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Spiritual Direction refers to the relationship that exists between a person seeking a deeper spiritual life and the person who accompanies him/her on this journey.  The director, acting as a friend and companion, listens, with the intent of helping the seeker understand and recognize how the Holy Spirit is leading and working in his/her personal life.


The goal is to assist an individual in developing a deeper personal spiritual life and to help that person better understand him/herself so as to better his/her spiritual connection to our loving God.  Spiritual direction encourages someone to be the unique individual God created them to be, and a spiritual director helps as a guide, leading each to a deeper, authentic Christian life. The director also enables an individual to see the blocks or obstacles to his/her spiritual development and suggests tools and helps that might remove these obstacles.


The Spiritual Director will meet on a regular basis with the individual she is directing and work with him/her to enable a fulfilling and meaningful Christian experience of God’s love.


If you wish to be connected to a Spiritual Director, please contact the Center at 516-627-9255 and we will provide you with contact information for experienced Spiritual Directors in our local area.


Call us:

(516) 627-9255

Find us: 

29 Shelter Rock Road Manhasset, NY 11030

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